During the period spanning from November 2022 to January 2023, Digizlab executed a promotion focused on engagement. The promotion involved encouraging Digizlab educators to test our most effective engagement methodologies. Besides, to provide feedback on their experience by filling out a brief survey. Those who opted to participate were qualified to earn a monthly engagement incentive. 

We have been publishing accounts of successful outcomes. From educators throughout the Digizlab community via the Digizlab blog. Be sure to take a look at our collections from November and December.

In this most recent and final installment, we are excited to reveal a few additional techniques. that instructors tested in January, along with comprehensive insights and data obtained from the engagement promotion.

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The Effect of Our Engagement Promotion

Overall, 1,669 instructors, approximately 39% of all qualified instructors, partook in the engagement promotion.

We analyzed engagement-related platform activity during the engagement publicity. Which took place from November 2022 to January 2023, and compared to the preceding three months (August 2022 to October 2022). Here are some high-level insights that we discovered.

Total Engagement Activity Rose

Compared to the previous period, we observed a 23% increase in engagement activity led by instructors (including project feedback, discussion posts, and teacher responses) during the promotion. 

If we incorporate student-led activity (such as student reviews and project uploads) in that calculation, we saw an overall platform-wide increase of 19%.

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The Significance 

While a portion of the overall lift is likely attributed to the introduction of badges, which were launched. During the engagement promo period and incentivized student engagement. We were thrilled to see the promotion boost engagement for both students and instructors.

Increased involvement leads to higher watch time, as evidenced by a 2.3% uptick in earnings. For participating educators compared to a 3.1% decline for those who didn’t participate. 

This analysis only compared data from October 2022, the first month of Digizlab’s new payout model. This surge in viewership corroborates our prior findings that engaging with pupils in these manners benefits both teacher and student.

Prompting pupils to provide feedback during the promotion resulted in a 29% boost in students. The reviews are relative to the prior period for teachers who encouraged it. This statistic, when combined with numerous teacher triumph tales about the effectiveness of genuinely requesting reviews. It demonstrates that sometimes all it takes is a simple request.

Dialogues Can Engage, But We Need To acknowledge More

Classroom conversations led by educators were the most utilized method of interaction. It exhibited a substantial surge of 107% compared to the previous period. Conversely, the teacher’s responses during discussions displayed the smallest overall growth, only 11%.

This inconsistency may indicate that numerous instructors proactively pursued communication. Through discussions and the broadcasting of information to pupils. Yet few of these endeavors led to exchanges between educators and learners.

There is more to uncover regarding this matter, but anecdotally, we have heard from teachers. that some of the most engaged discussions transpire when instructors offer something valuable. Such as a resource or additional information to supplement learning. Or an impactful interaction to enhance a feeling of community.

Teacher Success Stories

Classroom conversations led by educators were the most utilized method of interaction. It is exhibiting a substantial surge of 107% compared to the previous period. Conversely, the teacher’s responses during discussions displayed the smallest overall growth, only 11%.

This inconsistency may indicate that numerous instructors proactively pursued communication through discussions. Besides, the broadcasting of information to pupils, few of these endeavors led to exchanges between educators and learners. 

There is more to uncover regarding this matter, but anecdotally, we have heard from teachers. That some of the most engaged discussions transpire when instructors offer something valuable. Such as a resource or additional information to supplement learning. Or an impactful interaction to enhance a feeling of community. 

Just because you’re a teacher on Digizlab doesn’t automatically mean you’re actively engaging with your classes. It’s crucial to find ways to increase your visibility by initiating valuable and significant interactions throughout the platform.

In our survey conducted in January, several educators shared their successful engagement strategies. We are pleased to present exemplary models for others to follow.

Be Mindful of the Ripple Effects

There’s a reason why it’s called feedback – it can have a ripple effect! It’s no secretStudentsts come to Digizlab to learn from particular instructors and explore the classes they offer. 

Some teachers reported in January that initiating engagement may have catalyzed drawing students into a more profound connection with their teaching.

In essence, a single small action of engagement with a student in one class can create a ripple effect and inspire them to delve deeper into your other classes.

Establish Engagement as a Positive Habit

As previously mentioned, we have observed a surge in arrangement activity throughout the platform since introducing this promotion. Besides, instructors are indicating an increase in their efforts too. Arrangement encompasses more than just generating new classes; there are quantifiable benefits.

As noted earlier, educators who participated in our arrangement promotion experienced an increase in their earnings. Through minutes watched in their classes (+2.3%) compared to those who did not (-3.1%). Additionally, some teachers expressed that engaging with students felt satisfying, especially when they saw its effects.

Give Priority to Quality Content 

A student’s learning experience hinges on the content and the delivery method. Furthermore, we know that meaningful engagement with classes leads to a higher rate of member subscriptions, renewals, and satisfaction. But only if that engagement occurs with high-quality classes.

As an educator, continue to learn and refine your approach to content planning and production.  While adhering to our Class Quality Guidelines to guarantee that you create top-quality classes for our community.

Provide Value

Engaging with students solely for the sake of arrangement or initiating discussions solely. For the sake of discussions does not lead to high-quality interactions. Therefore, we encourage teachers to add value to their interactions. Along with students by providing authentic feedback, initiating meaningful discussions, or offering a complimentary resource, among other things.

Request Reviews

Some students may not think to leave a positive review unless you prompt them. Politely requesting feedback from students, such as in your conclusion video and project feedback. It can boost the likelihood that they will leave a review in your class.

Make It a Monthly Practice

Numerous teachers reported that reaching out to students and trying to stimulate engagement was an enriching experience for them. They had interactions with students they would not have had otherwise. Furthermore, based on our research, teachers who engage with students typically see an increase in minutes watched, which translates to more revenue.

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