Jessica Ofelia Mendoza

Full Name: Jessica Ofelia Mendoza

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza is a renowned softball player hailing from California, United States. Born on November 11, 1980, Jessica has made significant contributions to the sport throughout her career. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Jessica Ofelia Mendoza’s life, achievements, and other intriguing details.

Born Date: 11 Nov, 1980

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza was born on November 11, 1980, in Camarillo, California. As a Scorpio, she possesses the determination and intensity characteristic of this zodiac sign. Scorpios are known for their passion, resourcefulness, and strong leadership qualities.

Jessica Ofelia Age: 42 years

Currently 42 years old, Jessica Ofelia Mendoza has accumulated a wealth of experience in the realm of softball. Her journey and accomplishments have inspired numerous aspiring athletes around the world.

Horoscope: Scorpio

Born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, Jessica Ofelia Mendoza embodies the traits associated with this sign. Scorpios are often described as ambitious, courageous, and highly intuitive individuals. These qualities have undoubtedly played a role in Jessica’s success on and off the softball field.

Lucky Number: 4

Jessica’s lucky number is 4. In numerology, the number 4 represents stability, hard work, and determination. It is no surprise that these qualities have been evident throughout her career, contributing to her rise as one of the most respected figures in softball.

Lucky Stone: Garnet

Garnet is Jessica Ofelia Mendoza’s lucky stone. This gemstone is believed to enhance passion, motivation, and success. It symbolizes vitality and strength, both of which are essential attributes for athletes striving for excellence.

Lucky Color: Purple

Purple is Jessica’s lucky color. Associated with royalty and luxury, purple also represents creativity, ambition, and spiritual awareness. Incorporating this color into her life and mindset may have brought her additional inspiration and good fortune.

Best Match for Marriage: Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces

According to astrological compatibility, Capricorn, Cancer, and Pisces are considered ideal matches for Jessica Ofelia Mendoza in terms of marriage. These signs are believed to complement her personality traits and provide a harmonious partnership.

Gender: Female

Jessica identifies as female. Her achievements in the male-dominated sports industry have been instrumental in breaking down barriers and empowering future generations of female athletes.

Profession: Softball Player

As a softball player, Jessica Ofelia Mendoza has reached remarkable heights in her career. Her exceptional skills, dedication, and love for the sport have earned her numerous accolades and the respect of her peers.

Country: California, United States

Jessica hails from California, United States. The state has a rich tradition of producing exceptional athletes, and Jessica has added to its legacy through her outstanding performances and contributions to the world of softball.

Height: 5 feet 9 inches (1.75m)

Standing at a height of 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 meters), Jessica Ofelia Mendoza possesses a commanding presence on the softball field. Her height, combined with her exceptional athleticism, has allowed her to excel in various aspects of the game.

Relationship Status: Married

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza is happily married to her husband, Adam Burks. Their union is a testament to love and support, providing a solid foundation for Jessica’s personal and professional endeavors.

Husband: Adam Burks

Adam Burks is the loving husband of Jessica Ofelia Mendoza. While details about their relationship are private, it is evident that Adam has been a source of strength and encouragement for Jessica throughout her journey.

Net Worth: $2 million

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza’s hard work and success have led to a net worth of $2 million. Her financial achievements reflect the value placed on her contributions to softball and the recognition she has received for her skills and dedication.

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza has captivating dark brown eyes. Her eyes, often described as windows to the soul, exude determination and focus—a testament to her unwavering commitment to her craft.

Hair Color: Brown

With her brown hair, Jessica Ofelia Mendoza embraces her natural beauty. Her hair, much like her career, is a reflection of her individuality, strength, and resilience.

Body Size: 33-24-33

Jessica’s body measurements are reported to be 33-24-33. These measurements demonstrate her physical fitness and athletic physique, essential for excelling in the demanding sport of softball.

Birth Place: Camarillo

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza was born in Camarillo, California. Camarillo is a vibrant city known for its pleasant climate and scenic landscapes. It is a place that has witnessed the growth and development of numerous talented individuals, including Jessica.

Nationality: American

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza proudly holds American nationality. Her achievements have not only brought glory to herself but also to her country, as she has represented the United States in various international softball competitions.

Ethnicity: Mexican

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza’s ethnicity is Mexican. Her heritage and cultural background have influenced her journey and shaped her identity, adding richness and diversity to her story.

Religion: Christian

Jessica follows the Christian faith, which plays a significant role in her life. Her religious beliefs likely provide her with strength, guidance, and a sense of purpose as she navigates her career and personal life.

Education: Stanford University

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza pursued her education at Stanford University. As a prestigious institution known for its academic excellence, Stanford provided her with a solid foundation for her future endeavors both on and off the softball field.

Father: Gil Mendoza

Gil Mendoza is Jessica’s father. Although limited information is available about him, it is likely that Gil has been a pillar of support and inspiration for Jessica throughout her journey.

Mother: Karen Mendoza

Karen Mendoza is Jessica’s mother. While details about her life remain private, it is evident that Karen has played a vital role in Jessica’s upbringing and success.

Siblings: Walt, Elena, Alana

Jessica has three siblings: Walt, Elena, and Alana. Although information about them is limited, their presence in her life likely provided her with companionship, support, and valuable life experiences.

Kids: Caleb Ashton Burks, Caden Adam Burks

Jessica Ofelia Mendoza and her husband, Adam Burks, have two children together: Caleb Ashton Burks and Caden Adam Burks. As a mother, Jessica’s love and dedication extend beyond the softball field, shaping her role as a nurturing and supportive parent.

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