Numerous famous individuals acquired admirers and supporters thanks to their dedicated efforts and prosperous professions. However, a few celebrities found themselves in the public eye because of their associations with well-known figures. This is precisely the case for Richard Emmolo, who became widely recognized after marrying the celebrated actress Geena Davis.

Celebrity Name: Richard Emmolo

Richard Emmolo is a restaurateur who gained recognition for his connection to the renowned actress Geena Davis.

Popular For: Husband of Geena Davis

Richard Emmolo is widely known for being the husband of the famous actress Geena Davis. His relationship with Geena Davis has brought him attention and made him a notable figure in the public eye.

Profession: Restauranter

Richard Emmolo’s profession is in the restaurant industry. He has been associated with the food and hospitality business, although specific details about his career are limited.

Estimated Net Worth: N/A

As of the available information, there is no estimate available for Richard Emmolo’s net worth. His financial details remain private or undisclosed.

Richard Emmolo Age (2024): 78 years old

Born on July 8, 1946, Richard Emmolo is currently 78 years old as of 2024. He was born under the zodiac sign Cancer.

Birth Date: July 8, 1946

Richard Emmolo’s birthdate is July 8, 1946.

Birth Sign: Cancer

His zodiac sign is Cancer, which is often associated with traits like emotional sensitivity and nurturing qualities.

Birth Place: United States

Richard Emmolo was born in the United States, although specific details about his place of birth are not provided.

Nationality: American

He holds American nationality, indicating that he is a citizen of the United States.

Ethnicity: White

Richard Emmolo’s ethnicity is listed as White.

Education: N/A

Information about his educational background is not available in the provided details.

Richard Emmolo Height:

Specifics about Richard Emmolo’s height are not provided in the available information.

Weight: N/A

Similarly, there is no information about his weight or body measurements.

Body Measurement: N/A

Detailed body measurements are not available.

Body Type: N/A

The specific description of his body type is not provided.

Hair Color: Black

Richard Emmolo is noted to have black hair.

Eye Color: Brown

His eye color is brown.

Father: N/A

Specific information about his father is not available in the provided details.

Mother: N/A

Similarly, specific details about his mother are not provided.

Siblings: N/A

Information about any siblings he may have is not available.

Social Media: N/A

There is no information regarding his presence on social media platforms.


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